WhatsApp: THE SECRET for Phones that STUNNED Users

WhatsApp has a very big secret in phones that many users don't know about, here's what you can do now, and how important it is.

WhatsApp opening

WhatsApp it has a lot of secrets that most people have no idea about, but some of them are extremely useful in the regular use of the application, and today we're talking about something like that. More precisely, those at WhatsApp have implemented many useful functions in their application, but among them there is not one that allows us to start a conversion with ourselves, or at least there is not one that makes it very easy to do this thing.

WhatsApp however, it does not prevent people from creating conversations with themselves, this being completely possible, and all those who are interested in doing this, have two methods at their disposal. The first method involves adding your phone number to the contact list, and so you can initiate a WhatsApp conversation with yourself in just a few seconds, the simple selection of the contact being enough to send you any kind of messages, pictures, etc.

WhatsApp: THE SECRET for Phones that STUNNED Users

WhatsApp has another method, this one involves creating an URL address of the type https://wa.me//40700000000, and you will replace everything that appears after the number 4 with your phone number. Enter this web address in the address bar of the browser on your phone, and when you access it, a WhatsApp conversation with yourself will automatically be opened, and you will be able to send all kinds of messages and documents without problems, something that many did not know that it is possible.

WhatsApp it didn't natively implement a function like this because, probably, it thought that it wouldn't be useful for a lot of people, but the reality is that it's not really like that. Many users would like to have the possibility to save information somewhere, and if they don't want to do it in a notes application, they can do it in WhatsApp, where they can send not only messages, but also pictures, videos , etc., which can be deleted from phones, and remain hidden there.

WhatsApp won't be implementing any option to send us messages yourself anytime soon, so the above methods are the only ways you can do this, if you want to.