Romania Vaccinated 1 Million People Against Coronavirus

Romania Vaccinated 1 Million People Against Coronavirus

A little over 2 months after the initiation of the vaccination campaign in Romania, we reached the 1.000.000th person who was vaccinated against the Coronavirus, and it is about an 86-year-old woman from Bucharest.

"Romania, at one million vaccinated people
Among those vaccinated today, the 1.000.000th person is Valentina Fulga, 86 years old.
The Prime Minister of the Romanian Government, Florin Cîțu, the president of CNCAV, col. Dr. Valeriu Gheorghiță, and the Secretary of State in the Ministry of Health, Dr. Andrei Baciu. The hospital manager, Prof. Dr. Cătălin Cîrstoiu, also took part in the activity.
Mrs. Fulga was vaccinated even by the coordinator of the vaccination campaign, col. Dr. Valeriu Gheorghiță, who stated that since the beginning of the vaccination campaign, he looked with great hope at this goal, that of reaching the figure of one million.
"Every person has a story, and Mrs. Valentina's story is a life lesson. What I missed during this whole period was the contact with my patients", declared Colonel Valeriu Gheorghiță.
Upon leaving the vaccination center, Mrs. Valentina received flowers from the management of CNCAV. This moment moved her to tears, and she kept saying thanks, feeling honored to represent this number in the vaccination process."