Google Chrome: Special Function Launched for Users

Google Chrome has launched a new special function for users all over the world, here's what it allows us to do right now.

Google Chrome subtitles

Google Chrome it is by far the most used browser for surfing the Internet in the whole world, hundreds of millions of people benefiting from the technologies that Google makes available to us. Because it is so important, Google Chrome also has a lot of news constantly released, and now we are talking about a new function that is able to display subtitles for the audio and video playbacks that we access through it.

Google Chrome this function has been tested in Android for some time, and now it has become official with the name Live Caption, and anyone who is interested in it can use it whenever they want. We're talking about displaying captions for video and audio on any website on the internet, so no matter what you're watching, you should have captions for everything you hear, so you can stream audio and video content without actually listening to anything. .

Google Chrome: Special Function Launched for Users

Google Chrome audio video subtitles

Google Chrome has Live Caption available not only for content accessed online, but also for content on people's storage media that is accessed through the browser. The generation of subtitles will be done automatically for audio and video playbacks, but only in the supported languages, so not in Romanian, so it's good to know this from the very beginning before you get too excited about this function .

Google Chrome the image above shows the new function in use, and you can see how the captions will be displayed if you activate them, so you know exactly how you will see everything. This idea for Google Chrome is an extremely good one, and this is because there are many situations in which people cannot listen to the audio part of a video clip, or whatever they are trying to listen to, many people appreciate the implementation of the system in the case of Android.

Google Chrome has the Live Caption system already available in its latest version, so you have to install it to be able to enjoy this interesting change.