Government of Romania: Announcement regarding the Electronic Green Certificate

Romanian Government Electronic Green Certificate

The Romanian government published today a new announcement regarding the electronic green certificate, the one based on which it will be possible to travel through the European Union this summer, it will simplify the transit process for people from various countries.

The Romanian government explains below how this electronic green certificate works, as it will contain information about the vaccine used, for those vaccinated, the PCR tests done by people, or the cure following an infection with the Coronavirus.

"The electronic green certificate.
The certificates will be free.
Vaccination will not be a prerequisite for travel.
What information will it include:
for the vaccination certificate: type of vaccine and manufacturer, number of doses, date of vaccination;
for the test certificate: the type of test, the date and time it was performed, the test center and the result;
for the certificate of healing: the date of the positive test result, the issuer of the certificate, the date of issue, the date of validity."