BANCA Transilvania: Official Messages for Romanian Customers

BANCA Transilvania advice

BANCA Transilvania sends two official messages to its customers from all over Romania, and we are talking about something that should be in their attention at the moment because many do not know what is offered to them. More precisely, BANCA Transilvania is talking first of all about a special function that is offered through the BT Pay application, which offers the possibility to withdraw money from ATMs using only the phone in which we have the application authorized.

BANCA Transilvania has been implementing this functionality for its customers all over Romania for some time, and with its help, customers can withdraw money whenever they want with a code generated by the application. This code can be generated from a special section of the BANCA Transilvania application, everything can be done in just a few minutes so that customers do not have to waste too much time at ATMs to withdraw the money they need.

BANCA Transilvania: Official Messages for Romanian Customers

BANCA Transilvania also talks about another facility it offers to its customers after implementing stricter security measures for authorizing online payments. More precisely, since the beginning of this year, BANCA Transilvania has implemented the obligation to authorize certain payments through the BT Pay application, either with a fingerprint scan or with a password that must be set by the customer, but says that biometric authentication is simpler .

BANCA Transilvania tries to offer customers from all over Romania only the best possible experience when it comes to the services they enjoy every day. Unfortunately, not everyone knows very clearly what exactly is offered by BANCA Transilvania through the BT Pay application, and not only, so messages of this kind are useful to help people discover more easily what is offered to them by to the bank now.

BANCA Transilvania constantly offers advice to clients to benefit from the best possible experience for the services they offer, but it is also important that people listen to them.