Government of Romania: New Cyber ​​Warning regarding Social Networks

Guvernul Romaniei Atentionare Cibernetica Retelele Sociale

Guvernul Romaniei vorbeste mai jos despre o atentionare importanta privind o problema serioasa de securitate cibernetica in centrul careia stau retelele de socializare, deci ar trebui sa va uitati cu atentie la ceea ce este transmis pentru romani.

"Pay attention to the notifications received on social media. Always check how plausible the received information is, validate its transmission with the sender when in doubt, and also scan the link with a security solution before clicking!
Atacatorii se folosesc de metoda înregistrării unor pagini cu denumiri care să pară a reprezenta sistemul de notificare al unei rețele sociale (ex: Information Pages), pentru a da o imagine de autoritate în ochii celor care interacționează cu postări de tipul celei de mai jos.
Next, you have an example of one such Facebook account publishing a 'warning' post for tagged pages, threatening to suspend the page's activity if they don't 'verify their identity' by accessing a link strategically placed in the text of the post .
Once that link is accessed, it can infect the device with malware, or alternatively, it can lead to a phishing site that usually asks for social media account credentials. Once entered, this data is in the possession of attackers, who can hijack the accounts to perform activities for personal purposes.
Thank you once again to those who report such attempts to us, so that we can alert users in Romania about the latest online threats!"