Romanian Post: Warning Regarding Prohibited Objects in Parcels

Romanian Post Warning Regarding Prohibited Objects in Parcels

The Romanian Post sends a very important message regarding the objects that are prohibited in the parcels sent by Romanians outside the country, and this is because we are talking about some countries where certain objects will not be accepted by the local post office.

The Romanian Post explains below exactly where you should look to see to what extent you have an object that is forbidden to be sent to certain countries, and it would be good to pay attention to the prohibitions.

"Do you want to send your friends in 🇩🇪 Germany a musical instrument or an object of art, but you don't know if they are among the prohibited items in a package?

Check out the "List of Prohibited Items by Destination Countries" created just for you, which can be accessed here.

If you need help, please send us a private message!

We are here for you, #ParteDinViataTa!”