Valeriu Gheorghita: Last Hour Alarm Signal in Wave 5 for Romanians

Valeriu Gheorghita sends a very strong alarm signal for Romanians right at the end of 2021 and before the 5th wave shows its power in Romania, and everyone should be aware of misinformation on social networks, this seriously affecting the vaccination campaign .

Valeriu Gheorghita also talks about the fact that the 5th wave will be dominated by the Delta and Omicron variants, before the latter becomes dominant, but also that although the COVID certificates increase vaccination rates, in Romania this happened without any active.

"The vectors that transmitted these disinformation messages were also very important, and unfortunately we had disinformation vectors from the political class, from the Orthodox Church, even from the medical corps, and all these things had a negative impact on the population our.

Let's not forget that there are almost 15.8 million vaccinated doses, the vaccination rate among the general population is over 41%. It is not a small task for us, it is an unprecedented effort, and I want to thank all those who were involved in the implementation of the vaccination campaign, the medicam staff from the vaccination centers and health units, the central authorities, and society.

I can tell you what is happening in other European countries. Most European countries have started to stagnate with the vaccination rate somewhere at 50% - 55% vaccination rate, and we are at 41% without having mandatory vaccination, or without having a COVID certificate imposed at the workplace, or for other activities .

From this point of view, a percentage of the population would be vaccinated if there was this additional condition of presenting a COVID certificate, but I still believe that through dialogue, through communication, through trust, we can combat misinformation, hesitation, and we can to understand more quickly the benefits and importance of vaccination during this period.

It is very likely that in Romania the beginning of the next wave will be characterized by the circulation of both viral variants, Delta and Omicron, so that the latter will gradually become dominant, as happened in other European countries. The good part is that in vaccinated people, or those who have been through the disease, the Omicron variant does not generate serious forms of the disease."