Minister of Education: Last Minute Announcement, Decision Refused in Schools, Reported Abuses

The Minister of Education revealed in a last-minute announcement a decision that he refuses to apply to schools in Romania, but also the abuses that very few Romanians know about, first of all, it is about the desire not to move the dates for the Baccalaureate and of National Exams.

The Minister of Education also talks about the abuses he endures from those who use social networks, but also phone calls, to intimidate him to give up measures such as testing in schools, vaccinating pforesors, or going online.

"We cannot move the National exams, and we do not want to move the National exams, from the known dates, the Baccalaureate and the National Assessment, and then if we were forced, a forced holiday in no gas, and going online also generates losses for students.

School with physical presence in safe conditions, and non-vaccination, non-testing, in my opinion is a logical fracture. It is a classic example, to change, but not to me, to vaccinate, but not to me. Unfortunately, there are some who think this way. I will continue to offer arguments, to appeal to those with epidemiological skills, to organize meetings.

I will remain as stable as possible despite the fact that I receive daily hundreds, many hundreds, of messages that are not educational at all, with many words that complete the colorful spectrum of the Romanian language. There are hundreds every day, and there are phones that ring continuously at night. There are many brave people behind social networks, or some are assumed.

Those who have less resistance to these pressures, surely prefer to give the answer you talked about: I want the child to go to school, but in no way do I want him to be tested, I don't want him to be vaccinated, but this is a fracture logic. I am not running away from the answer, but having so many topics to regulate in education, I am not part of the negotiation team for the COVID certificate.

I have my vote, which I gave when it was necessary, and the negotiating colleagues, I like to believe, with scientific arguments, will reach a conclusion, and I will adapt my decision to the conclusions of the negotiation."