Coronavirus Romania: New Number of New Cases from January 27, 2022

Coronavirus Romania New Number of New Cases January 27, 2022

Yesterday, the coronavirus brought us a record number of infections in Romania, an incredibly high number that exceeded not only all the reports recorded so far, but also the expectations of many who did not believe that during this week we could exceed the barrier of 30.000 new cases registered at national level.

The coronavirus surprises us in a negative way from many points of view during this period, and this is because the Omicron variant generates extremely many infections among people, and unfortunately it is increasingly visible that the non-compliance with preventive measures will lead to the infection of many people.

In hospitals, the situation is starting to become more and more serious because of the very large number of new cases registered in the country, a percentage reaches the medical units, and as this number increases, so does the pressure felt by hospitals all over Romania. now, unfortunately.

"According to the existing data at the CNCCI level, on January 27, 2022, at 10.00:24 a.m., in the 31.683-hour period, 2 cases of positive people with SARS-COV-71 were registered. Also, 2 deaths were reported, including 13.00 previous deaths. We will detail the dates in the XNUMX newsletter."

The final official figures will be published after 13:00 by the authorities.