Minister of Education: Officially Transmitted Last Minute Decisions for Schools

The Minister of Education Last Time Decisions Officially Transmitted to Schools

The Minister of Education has officially announced a series of new decisions for all schools in Romania, which will have an impact on millions of students after implementation, and they are expected by a lot of people, especially since they will completely change the school year.

The Minister of Education wants to make a series of very important changes to improve the educational act that students from all over the country will have, and the measures are surprising a lot of people who did not expect such ideas at the moment.

"It is not the ministry of cable carriers (ed. regarding the petition for a new winter holiday). As a politician, and as a citizen, I am interested in the good performance of any of Romania's economic sectors. As a teacher, and as a minister, I have no choice but to put the interests of the students and the interests of the school in the foreground.

If the decision, taking into account the interest of the students and the interest of the schools, happens to coincide with the request coming from other fields, all the better, it means that we are in a happy situation. Once again I specify, all these proposals will strictly consider the interest of the children and the interest of the schools.

It is unnatural to have the division into semesters as long as you have two clearly positioned holidays, beyond anyone's will, that of the winter holidays and that of the Easter holidays. From what I have presented to you, I think it follows logically that it is divided into three sections, dividing into 3 sections means dividing into three quarters, it is an idea that I have already advanced.

No one from the ministry was able to explain to me why they gave up the organization by trimesters, and switched to the organization by semesters as in the university environment, which has a completely different organization. I did not understand which are advantageous. All I have done now is to present you possible proposals that will be discussed with all interested actors.

Whether it is called a semester or a quarter, it ends with an evaluation. We will see which are the most suitable types of assessment. It is certain that something needs to be changed, because I was asked about a situation in a county where during the simulation of the national assessment, less than 50% of the students got a grade 5, but there still almost 60% of the students have an average of 8.50 in the first semester."