Minister of Education: Latest Official Notification Regarding All Schools

Minister of Education Latest Official Notification Concerns All Schools

The Minister of Education has sent an extremely important official notification that concerns all schools in Romania and millions of students, or parents, from all over the country, and this is because in a new order he explains in detail the conditions for suspending courses with physical presence in the units of education.

The Minister of Education explains everything below so that anyone can understand as clearly as possible how this procedure is carried out now that the state of alert has been raised in Romania, bringing a series of very important changes to the way classes are conducted course in our country.

"The suspension of classes with physical presence can be done as the case may be: on an individual level, until the end of the second semester of the 2021-2022 school year at the request of the parent, with the approval and specific recommendations of the attending physician, in case the student suffers from a series of affections.

Diseases that affect oxygenation capacity, severe chronic diseases, cardiovascular diseases, severe obesity, type 1 diabetes, inflammatory diseases, immune or autoimmune diseases, rare diseases, hereditary metabolic diseases, immunosuppressive treatment, other chronic diseases, diseases associated with moderate immunodepression or severe related to transplantation, oncological diseases with immunosuppressive treatment, primary or acquired immunodeficiencies, other immunosuppressive treatments.

In this situation, the didactic activity will take place in a hybrid system. The suspension of courses with physical presence can be done at the level of study formations, groups or classes, within the educational unit, as well as at the unit level, at the request of the director, based on the decision of the unit's board of administration, with the information of ISG, respectively with ISG approval and ministry information.

It is possible to suspend at the level of groups of educational units from the same county, or the municipality of Bucharest, at the request of the general school inspector, with the approval of the ministry. The same is done at the regional or national level, by order of the minister as a result of the decision of the County Committee for Emergency Situations, or that of Bucharest, respectively CNSU, depending on each individual case.

The suspension of courses with physical presence at the individual level, according to all of the above, is carried out at the director's proposal, with the approval of the board of administration of the educational unit where this suspension is to be made."