Minister of Education: Very Important Official Decision for All Schools

Minister of Education Important Official Decision All Schools

The Minister of Education signed a very important ministerial order that imposes a series of very serious changes in Romania, and this is because we are talking about a decision that concerns the way in which merit grades are awarded for teachers, and below you have the calendar the contest.

The Minister of Education approved the competition by order 3.551 of April 7, 2022, and what you see below is mentioned in its annex, so we are talking about a description of the process up to the stage of submitting appeals, which can be submitted after the last date of lower.

"Detailing the scores related to the criteria by the joint commission at the level of the school inspectorate, establishing the number of grades of merit and the minimum score per staff category and per discipline/field/level of education. Sending the proposal of the National Children's Palace to the Ministry of Education including the number of degrees to be granted. Period: April 18 – 19, 2022.

Approval of the number of places distributed by staff category (teaching didactic/leading didactic, guidance and control/auxiliary didactic) and subjects/fields by the board of administration of the school inspectorate, based on the decision of the joint committee.

Communication of the (self) evaluation forms, the number of merit grades and the minimum score by staff category and by discipline/field/level of education by the school inspectorate in the territory. Period: April 20 – 21, 2022.

Submission of files by candidates to the secretariat of the state pre-university education unit/institution, with legal personality. Period: May 2 – 16, 2022. Submission of files containing supporting documents regarding the activity of the respective candidate to the secretariat/registry of the school inspectorate/Ministry of Education, in the case of the National Children's Palace. Period: 17 – 20 May 2022.

The analysis of the files by the school inspector who coordinates the discipline, with the consultation of the advisory board, and the elaboration of the report regarding the activity of the candidate in the specialty; the verification of the files and the awarding of points by the evaluation committee of the files submitted in order to award the merit rating; approving the list containing the points awarded following the evaluation by the school inspectorate board and displaying this list on the notice board and on the website of the school inspectorate, respectively at the headquarters and on the website of the Ministry of Education after approval by the evaluation committee, in the case National Children's Palace. Period: May 23 – June 8, 2022."