Adrian Marinescu: Good News of the Last Hour for Millions of Romanians

Adrian Marinescu conveys a series of extremely good news for millions of Romanians throughout the country, and this in the conditions that there is a lot of concern among many Romanians at the moment regarding monkey pox, but it should not be at all, according to the doctor.

Adrian Marinescu says that monkeypox should not be a concern for Romanians because the transmissibility is extremely low, and there is no chance that everything will turn into a pandemic similar to the one of the Coronavirus, globally there are now only 100 cases registered.

"The virus has been around for a long time, since 1958 there has been talk of monkey pox, and in 1970 there was the first human case, so it's nothing new. The transmission from monkey to man dates back to 1970. There are two strains, one from West Africa, with mild forms, which has a mortality rate of less than 1%, and there is a slightly more aggressive version in the Congo, with a higher mortality rate, towards 10%.

We do not have the version from Congo at the moment. I think there is no cause for concern. Now there are less than 100 cases worldwide. There was clear and prolonged contact with the monkey, and it is possible that it was transmitted through a scratch. Human-to-human transmission is also done through close and prolonged contact.

Of the 100 cases, not all of them were in Africa, there are also people who came into contact with those who were in Africa, so it is transmitted from person to person. More smallpox means more thousands of cases since 1970, so it's nothing new. What is really new is that there are more cases outside the African continent.

I think that when you are very attentive to a certain situation, you also diagnose several cases. In the case of smallpox, there are many mild forms. There is a possibility that the virus undergoes changes, but if the probability is small, you have to think about what happens normally.

Now we cannot draw the conclusion that if you have a few cases in a country, there is a possibility that the virus will change. Without discussion, the scenario with the Coronavirus will not be repeated. We are talking about an old virus, not a new one, there are no outbreaks, but isolated cases, there will be no pandemic with this virus."