The European Union could confiscate Russian goods for use in the reconstruction of Ukraine

The European Union could confiscate Russian goods for use in the reconstruction of Ukraine

The European Union is currently working on a mechanism that would allow it to confiscate Russian assets located on its territory in order to capitalize and use for the reconstruction of Ukraine, a process that could cost up to 750 billion dollars, according to estimates made by Volodymyr Zelensky.

Ursula Von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, made the announcement during a speech she gave in the European Parliament during this day, and based on it we can imagine that the EU's plan is to generate as much money as possible from goods Russians who are on its territory, and there are quite a few.

The European Union would confiscate both the assets of the Russian state and those of the Russian oligarchs, various countries in Europe are already doing this, but when it comes to capitalization, it remains to be seen who will have the courage to buy the assets that belonged to Russia , or the oligarchs, because that comes with a dose of danger.