Minister of Health: Last Minute Decision with Important Changes at National Level

Minister of Health Last Minute Decision Important Changes National Level

The Minister of Health revealed a last-minute decision that materialized in the form of a very important order that brings a series of important changes for the health system in Romania, which have been necessary for some time.

The Minister of Health has detailed below the order that applies at the moment because it has already been published in the Official Monitor, it being mandatory for all medical units that are targeted by him starting from July.

"Order of the Ministry of Health and of the President of CNAS no. 1.068/627/2021 regarding the approval of the Methodological Norms for the application in 2021 of Government Decision no. 696/2021, is amended and supplemented as follows: 1. Article 1 is amended: Approve the Methodological Norms for the year 2021 of Government Decision no. 696/2021 for the approval of the service packages and the framework contract that regulates the conditions for the provision of medical assistance, medicines and medical devices within the social health insurance system for the years 2021-2022, provided in annexes no. 1-52, which are an integral part of this order.

2. According to annex no. 51 a new annex is introduced, annex no. 52, with the following content: Provisions for the implementation of the provisions of Law no. 133/2022 for the amendment and completion of Law no. 95/2006 on health reform. (1) For patients admitted to continuous hospitalization, for whom hospital medical services are provided in public health facilities, the amount of the food allowance is not included in the payment of these services.

The payment of medical services is based on the rate per resolved case – DRG system, average rate per resolved case by specialty, rate/day of hospitalization for wards/compartments in chronic diseases and recovery hospitals, as well as for chronic wards and compartments /recovery and neonatology – premature babies from other hospitals, including palliative care wards/compartments.

(2) The provisions of para. (1) are applicable including for the medical recovery, physical medicine and rehabilitation services provided under continuous hospitalization regime in public health facilities, respectively sanatoriums/sanatorium sections in hospitals for adults and children, including spa ones, and in preventive, a whose payment is made by the rate per day of hospitalization.

(3) The amount corresponding to the food allowance to be settled by the health insurance companies is related to the cases admitted under continuous hospitalization regime in the public health units, for which the hospital medical services are settled from the FNUASS; the monthly amount corresponding to the food allowance to be settled is established by referring to the number of days of hospitalization related to cases hospitalized under continuous hospitalization regime."