Minister of Agriculture: Last Minute Measures Decided for Millions of Romanians

The Minister of Agriculture has announced a series of very important measures for millions of Romanians across the country at the moment, the decision to apply them having already been publicly announced, and they refer to land preparation works for rape seeding in the lands on which the harvest is optimal.

The Minister of Agriculture talks below about this measure, but also about the 70% advance that farmers receive for the subsidy from the European Union, this money to be granted starting in October by the Romanian authorities for people who are willing to he receives

"We aimed to prepare the 2022-2023 agricultural year, we have already started the works, the preparation of land in the field and even the execution of some works, sowing - I am referring here to rapeseed because it is the time and it is the optimal period. You don't play around with field work times here, and the farmers know it.

That's why there was a whole series of steps that we took, including requests to the European Commission which had positive and quick responses. Like the one in which we requested, due to the difficult situation, to be able to give the subsidy in Romania in two installments, but not equally.

The subsidy is given in the country and the money from the European Union comes as advance and liquidation. It comes 50% in the fall and 50% in the spring, when we move to the next calendar year, but in the same agricultural year. Through our request and the approval given by the commissioner, Romania has this freedom to use and be granted from the European Union 70% of the subsidy in advance, in such a way that the execution of the works is.

And I set four mechanisms in motion. A mechanism that means the Program Three times the certificate from APIA, in such a way that the farmer can go to the bank and take into account the certificate that he has every year, knowing the amount of the subsidy that he must receive from the European Union.

Based on this certificate, he can take three times its value as a loan that is supported and supported as a guarantee by the Rural Credit Guarantee Fund. And for animal husbandry, it's the same and very important, and I'm waiting for the answer. I hope it will be positive. Reducing the retention period in animal husbandry."