Volodymyr Zelensky's announcements in Full War between Ukraine and Russia

Volodymyr Zelensky's announcements in Full War between Ukraine and Russia

Volodymyr Zelensky has published a new message aimed at the citizens of Russia, and this is because it brings back to the attention the absurdity of the war in Ukraine, but also the senseless measures that are taken by the Kremlin, including the mobilization of hundreds of thousands of people who are sent to front without equipment, or preparation.

Despite the meaninglessness of the war for Russia and the loss of initiative by the occupiers, the command of the Russian army still pursues them to the death. The constant attempts of the Russian offensive on the Donetsk region will surely go down in the history of wars as one of the most cynical crimes of its own soldiers.

When we see this, when we see these offensives, we are once again convinced that the Russian mobilization is a sincere attempt to provide commanders on the ground with a steady stream of "cannon fodder." There is no other meaning in the Russian mobilization. They felt that they would lose, and they are simply trying to postpone this moment, to ensure at least some activity on the front, to at least put someone with a gun in his hand in the place of the dead.

Unfortunately, Russian society is not yet aware of all the brutality of the Russian government towards its own people. But we must do everything so that every citizen of Russia recognizes that his own state deprives him of the most important thing - the right to life.

The fight for freedom continues not only on the front lines. The courage of our heroes on the military front makes it possible to hold on to other fronts as well - primarily the economic one. And it is an extremely good signal on the economic front that such strong investment players are supporting our state.

The financial world is finally seeing: we are the ones trusted by the most powerful. I am grateful to the investors of Horizon Capital Growth Fund IV for their attention to Ukraine. And to understand that it is better to invest in our people, in the ideas and companies of Ukrainians right now – at a time when investment means you are joining our victory.