Android: The Very Dangerous THREAT Brought to the Attention of People with Phones

Android Dangerous THREAT Brought to the Attention of Phone People

Android, the most used operating system for mobile phones in the whole world, is at the center of an extremely serious warning that brings to the attention of all users an extremely serious threat that they should know about at the moment, and this is because she is very dangerous.

Android is at the center of many phishing campaigns lately, and this is because there are many types of malicious software for the operating system, and a new method of infecting people is starting to become more and more widespread, having based on phone calls initiated by hackers.

We are talking about phone calls initiated by hackers trying to convince people to install malware designed to steal money from their bank accounts, the software being a modified version of the malware called Copybara, one that has been very successful throughout time in banking information thefts.

Many banks that have applications for Android have customers targeted by this vishing type campaign, but we are mainly talking about banks outside of Romania, but it is not excluded that this campaign will also target our country in the future, and this is because the money that hackers generate huge amounts of money.

Android does not allow normally exploiting phones, but malware installed by people after being convinced by phone to install a malicious app is able to change the way a banking app looks, steal the data they enter there, and hide messages SMS sent by the bank if money is transferred.

“During one of our most recent investigations, ThreatFabric analysts discovered a network of phishing websites targeting Italian online banking users and aiming to steal their banking credentials.

Further research defined a connection between this network and the Android banking trojan called Copybara, which is involved in the delivery of phone-oriented attacks by threat actors. Its latest version introduced a unique feature that allows mock forms to be dynamically built and displayed on the fly.”