WHO: Alarming WARNING regarding a very Worrying Situation

WHO WARNING Alarming Worrying Situation

The WHO issues an alarming warning from all points of view, and this is because an extremely worrying situation that affects billions of people around the world should at the moment be known to everyone, and this is because because of it they can be affected by extremely many people, unfortunately.

The WHO talks about antimicrobial resistance, a problem that Europe has been facing for a very long time, unfortunately, but which must be treated with the utmost seriousness by everyone, and this is because because of it, the lives of an extremely large number of people are affected constantly, unfortunately, and this is a major problem.

The WHO asks both people and governments not to abuse antimicrobials, mainly antibiotics, and this is because the main cause of the problems is related to their excessive use, which generates resistance to microbes and bacteria, and in the long term we are talking about a substantial impact on people's health.

The WHO has been trying for some time to make the world aware of the major dangers that the uncontrolled use of antibiotics brings, but unfortunately more work and more attention is needed, so that as many people as possible understand why it is good to protect yourself and use them only with medical prescription.