Auchan IMPORTANT Notice, give FREE Money to Romanians right now!

Auchan IMPORTANT NOTICE FREE to Romanians Money Now

Auchan, one of the largest hypermarket chains in Romania, totally surprises the millions of Romanians who step on the threshold of its stores every year, or who have not yet reached them, and this because it announced a special promotion for the day of December 1 for all Romanians.

Auchan wants to reward Romanians who are patriotic, so it has prepared 10 prizes worth 1000 euros each, in the form of a bonus on the MyClub Auchan loyalty card, and to have a chance to win, you just have to follow the steps which the company describes below for each of us.

According to those from Auchan Romania, the bonuses that are granted as part of this campaign can be used for any kind of shopping in any of the stores in Romania, so you can buy any kind of products that are found there, possibly including those from the online store.

Auchan Romania has a very good idea with this special promotion, and this is because there are many Romanians who are patriotic, and who are willing to show this, especially if it is also about prizes that they can win, so they would it would be good to take advantage right now of everything that is offered.

Proud to be Romanian? Display the tricolor, at home, in the office or anywhere, for all to see. Take a picture of it and upload it to your Facebook or Instagram page. Tag the Auchan (RO) Facebook page and the Auchan Romania Instagram account, use the hashtag #Mândrucăeștiromân and you will enter the raffle.

You can win one of the 10 prizes of 1.000 euros as a bonus on the MyCLUB Auchan loyalty card. Don't forget to like the Auchan (RO) page and follow the Auchan Romania Instagram account. You can register for the contest until December 1.