Enel: Announcement with IMPORTANT Information regarding Romanian Customers' Bills

Enel Announcement IMPORTANT Information Invoices for Romanian Customers

Enel, one of the main companies that supplies energy to Romanians throughout the country, transmits an extremely important announcement that should be known by all those who pay to benefit from its services, and this is because it brings to their attention what I can obtain.

Enel talks in the video clip below about the benefits that a TV from an efficient energy class brings, compared to one from a less efficient energy class, the latter being able to generate an electricity consumption that is up to 40% higher.

In the video clip below, the people from Enel Romania explain why there are such big differences in terms of the energy efficiency that televisions offer for consumers, but also how big the benefits can be in terms of bills that they have to pay. we pay them for what we consume.

Enel Romania has created a special section on its website where we can find important information on how we can save a lot of money if we choose to use products that are energy efficient, which is good to do.

#BeEnergySmart in your home and save energy while watching TV! Do you know that a TV with energy class A consumes 40% less energy than a TV with energy class F? You have the power to choose the best solutions for your home. Now you can find everything you need to know about reducing energy consumption, in one place, on our website.

The information in this animation is presented in conjunction with the Energy Policy Group (EPG), our content partner who ensures the accuracy of the formulas used to calculate various energy efficiency methods.