WARNING from ING Bank to ATTENTION Customers from ALL over Romania Today!

WARNING ING Bank ATTENTION Customers ALL of Romania Today

ING Bank is warning its customers from all over Romania at the moment, and this is because it brings to their immediate attention what everyone should know at the moment, namely how they can protect themselves against online fraud which, unfortunately , affects an increasing number of people now.

ING Bank explains below the results of a study carried out in our country, its purpose being to tell us how Romanians protect themselves from online dangers, and as you can see below, we are talking about many good actions that Romanians take, but also about advice that no one should overlook.

The information that ING brings to our attention aims to avoid giving our personal data to strangers, one of the most important measures we take, but also to avoid accessing unknown links, especially if they seem suspicious, regardless of who they come from , and how those who send them present themselves to us.

ING has been trying for a long time to convince Romanians not to give out their personal data when it comes to phishing attacks, but it is important for us to be vigilant and to realize when we can become victims of an attack, in order not to risk becoming victims without knowing.

Money talks: good measures protect your money. If you want to protect your account when paying for vacations or buying gifts online, be careful not to give your personal or card details to strangers. This is what 52% of Romanians think. 61% do not click on links that look suspicious and 58% are careful about the emails/calls they receive.

Only 38% check that the sites they access are secure and only 27% are careful not to transact online when connected to public WiFi. Here's everything you need to know about how you can better protect yourself online.