The Minister of Education informs us about the LAST MINUTE Measures Decided in Romania for School Students

The Minister of Education Informs the LAST MINUTE Measures Decided Romania School Students

The Minister of Education officially informs us about the last-minute measures that were taken in Romania for students in all schools, and this is because the national "Green Week" program was finally established, which would help them children to better understand the problem of climate change.

The Minister of Education says that the methodology has been approved for this new national program that will benefit many students from all over Romania, and this is because we are talking about a problem that affects the whole world at the moment, and for the solution of which there must be global cooperation .

"Today, February 2, 2023, I approved, within the Social Dialogue Commission, the Methodology for organizing the national program "Green Week". Why a "Green Week"? Because pollution and climate change affect us all, and they are consequences of our behavior! The earth needs us, and school is the place where children can learn, together, to take better care of it!

Because contexts are created for joint activities - preschoolers, students, teachers, parents, and these contexts are not only means of learning, but also ways of forming a school culture based on trust, respect, collaboration, mutual support and communication nonviolent.

The "Green Week" program is a national program, in accordance with the provisions of the report "Education on climate change and the environment in sustainable schools", developed by the working group at the level of the Presidential Administration, of the National Strategy on education for the environment and climate change 2023 -2030, approved by HG no. 59/2023 and of the National Strategy for the sustainable development of Romania 2030, approved by HG no. 877/2018.

Educational units and institutions involved in the organization and implementation of the "Green Week" Program also benefit from the support of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests. The "Green Week" program has a duration of 5 consecutive working days during the school year and is carried out based on a plan, at the decision of each educational unit, according to the provisions of the order of the Minister of Education regarding the structure of the school year, valid in the respective school year.

The "Green Week" program does not run simultaneously with the "School differently" national program. ) Within the "Green Week" Program, educational activities are carried out that contribute to the prevention of climate change and the protection of the environment. The program contributes to the development of preschoolers'/preschoolers'/students' skills for inter- and transdisciplinary investigation of the surrounding reality and the formation of responsible behaviors towards the environment, by developing their ability to understand and use elementary notions related to the environment and climate change."