The Minister of Education Announced 2 IMPORTANT Measures Decided for Students in Schools

The Minister of Education Announced 2 IMPORTANT Measures Decided for School Students

The Minister of Education has officially announced 2 very important measures that he has officially taken for the students of schools all over Romania, they have been confirmed by the authorities in Bucharest in order to confirm the closing of a call for endowment of schools and related units with furniture, IT technology, and not only that.

The Minister of Education also confirms a decision by which the Center for Continuous Training in the Hungarian Language in Oradea has a new headquarters where it carries out its activity, the order establishing this change being signed by Minister Ligia Deca in an official manner to allow its operation to continue.

"Yesterday, March 29, 2023, the call for endowment of pre-university education units and related units was closed. 2.545 submitted projects; 5.761 possible beneficiaries; 2.455 possible beneficiaries from disadvantaged areas. The total requested budget of the submitted projects is 4.996.903.618,97 lei, excluding VAT. The investments of this call target: 75.000 classrooms/rooms for extracurricular activities or sports, equipped with furniture.

10.000 laboratories/offices in the pre-university education system, including psycho-pedagogical assistance offices; 5.200 equipped computer labs; 3.600 schools with primary, secondary and high school classes equipped with IT equipment for digitizing learning resources; 909 computer laboratories in vocational education and training schools; 909 IPT educational units equipped with functional practice laboratories. The total financial allocation of the call for projects is euros, excluding VAT, eligible value from the PNRR.

The Center for Continuing Education in the Hungarian Language was established based on the provisions of art. 99 of Law no. 1/2011, with subsequent amendments and additions, by GD no. 922/2018 regarding the establishment, organization and operation of the Center for Continuing Education in the Hungarian Language.

The center is a public institution, with legal personality, subordinate to the Ministry of Education, which carries out continuous training activities for teaching and auxiliary teaching staff working in educational units with teaching in the Hungarian language or in sections with teaching in Hungarian language. From the moment of its establishment, the Center for Continuing Education in the Hungarian Language has operated in a building located in the public domain of the Municipality of Oradea, a building located in Clujului street no. 106, Bihor county. The headquarters was taken into administration by the Decision of the Local Council of
Oradea Municipality no. 604/2014.

Since the physical condition of the building is degraded, the building requiring major renovations, several rooms cannot be used for the institution's activity, a building was purchased with the destination of administrative headquarters, through the sale-purchase agreement no. 1415/18.01.2021. The new property purchased is located in the municipality of Oradea, Anatole France street no. 88, Bihor county."