Nicolae Ciuca Talks about Ensuring Equal Opportunities in Romania

Nicolae Ciuca Talks about Ensuring Equal Opportunities in Romania

Nicolae Ciuca, the Prime Minister of Romania, talks about the importance of equal opportunities between men and women in Romanian society, one of the problems that the authorities must solve, in the future, to ensure balance in society.

Our society needs the balance that only equality of opportunity between women and men can bring. Eight years ago, Romania undertook by law to mark the importance of gender equality, respect for fundamental European values, based on strengthening social relations by eliminating discrimination and promoting equal opportunities between the sexes.

The respect we owe women and the complex role they assume in the family, at work and in society cannot ignore the reality, which prompts us to act with more determination to ensure that equal treatment in relation with men it generates concrete effects.

Preventing and combating domestic violence, protecting victims, equal remuneration for the same work performed, balance in the decision-making process and in politics represent European standards assumed by our country and it is in our power to make progress in this regard.

The framework provided by the Strategy presented by the European Commission regarding equal opportunities and treatment between women and men in Europe for the period 2020-2025 generates the perspective of protecting this principle of equality at the level of the entire Union of which we are a part.

The founding principles of the European Union are closely related to the harmonization of social relations and the granting of due respect to all, without any trace of discrimination.