Today marks 40 years since the first phone call was made using a mobile phone

  Marty cooper is a former Motorola engineer who on April 3, 1973 placed the first phone call made using a mobile phone. Motorola DynaTAC 8000x is the name of the device with which a colleague called and informed him that he was talking to him using a wireless device. 1.13 KG weighing the device that Cooper used back then, almost 10 times more than most smartphones available on the market today, but at that time everything was so revolutionary, nobody cared yet.

  From then until now mobile phones have become smaller, more beautiful, more sophisticated, many have hardware almost as good as that of a laptop, but they all have one big problem, the battery. Probably in 40 years smartphones will look completely different, or they will disappear completely, but for now they are the pinnacle of technology for mobile communications.


  1. Intradevar in forma unui tel mobil el a fost primul. Dar tehnologia exista cu multi ani in urma dar de alte dimensiuni…in anii”40 pe masini erau montate niste tel mobile gigante dar problema era ca doar 4 linii erau in tot orasul chiar daca existau mai multe tel montate…:) La multi ani…

  2. Imi amintesc cu drag perioada de inceput a telefoniei mobile in Romania in care daca aveai mobil agatai si gagici…..Nu m-am gindit niciodata ca americanii aveau tehnologia inca din anii 73.Felicitari America!!!

  3. Inca americani sau trezit mai tarziu tot europenii( finlandezii) si japonezii au fost mai rapizi si au si dezvoltat infrastructura si se folosea deja ! Americanii au inventat au avut viziunea dar pana au facut pe ei au trecut vreo 10 ani …

  4. Acum…daca e sa luam istoria….si sistemele de comunicare prin morse din timpul razboiului, tot un fel de telefonie mobila s-ar putea numi, erau aia cu statiile alea gigantice in spate care fugeau cu ele prin transee. Asta ca o ironie cu privere la remarcile de genul : tehnologia exista cu mult timp in urma

  5. O gluma faina:

    Cica rusii sapa in pamant vreo 5 metri si gasesc un cablu. Ajung la concluzia ca stramosii lor comunicau prin cablu
    Nemtii sapa si ei, cand ajung la vreo 10 metri gasesc o bucata de plastic. Ajung la concluzia ca stramosii lor comunicau prin fibra optica
    Se apuca si romanii sa sape. Sapa 5m, nimic. Mai sapa si ajung la 10m, tot nimic. Cand ajung la 20m, culmea, tot nimic. Arunci stau ei si se gandesc. Oooo, stramosii nostrii dacii, au comunicat wireless. He he he