iOS 7 beta 4 – bug fixes, design changes, performance improvements and fingerprint reader confirmation

  iOS beta 7 4 was launched last evening by the company Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), and most of the news they are related to the implementation of subtle design changes, plus performance improvement. So far no new function has been discovered in iOS 7 and it probably won't even be discovered, but it's worth mentioning that everything works much better than before. Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), continued the process of improving the performance of iDevices, and on iPhone 5 iOS beta 7 4 it works almost as well as iOS 6.1.3, although the differences are big.

  Combining all this with the fact that in iOS beta 7 4 it was finally confirmed that Apple is testing one fingerprint reader for iPhone 5S, we can say that waiting for the release of this version a iOS 7 it was totally worth it. Apple is testing a fingerprint reader implemented in its Home button iPhone 5S, would have completed the user interface for him, but the system would be used to safely unlock the terminal, to record photos, etc., but not to make mobile payments from iDevices.

  If Apple implements this sensor in the iPhone 5S, then we can expect it to arrive in future iPad tablets as well, but with extended functionality.


  1. Intr-adevar functioneaza mai bine insa sper din tot sufletul sa corecteze probleme cu animatiile. Dupa deblocare nu pot sa faci nimic pana nu se termina animatia de aseza iconitele in springboard. La fel si dupa ce intrii sau iesi dintr-un folder/aplicatie. E extrem de enervant

  2. Pai dragi useri, normal ca probabil in 5S va fi implementat cititorul de aprenta, altfel de ce sa mai cumpar un 5s ? Procesor si camera ? don’t think so, ca si cu 4s si SIRI, sa fie ceva ce la precedentul nu este…

  3. Sper sa rezolve probleme cu dialer-ul, sunt momente in care ascunde ultimele apeluri sub bara de sus fiind imposibil de accesat. La fel se intampla si cu whatsapp,acopera campul de scriere…..

    p.s.: daca dau un restore pastreaza toate datele inclusiv jocurile si nivelurile atinse la acele jocuri?