Slices will finally allow us to use multiple user accounts or profiles with various iOS applications (Video)


   Slices is a tweak which is to be launched in the next period in Cydia, allowing us to use multiple user accounts or profiles with various applications iOS 7. As you can already see from the video clip above, the tweak changes the functionality of the application and gives us the option to use any user accounts we want with any application. Before starting an application, we have the possibility to create multiple "slices" for them, each of these slices allowing to log in to services with a different user account.

  Through this method we can use two or three user accounts with applications such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, all from one application. For now, not many details are known about this tweak, it only allows receiving notifications for the main account used for each application, but as soon as it will be available in Cydia I will let you know.


  1. Exista deja un account switch in cydia, se numeste AccountChanger. E adevarat ca apare doat in App Store. Poate asta nou sa fie accesat de oriunde.

  2. Eu unul as fi un pic reticent sa ofer parole si conturi ale unor terte aplicatii, app store, etc, mai ales unor aplicatii instalate din cydia… nu or fi chinezi peste tot, dar un pic de prevedere nu strica 😉