The release of iOS 10.2 is extremely important for Apple

The release of iOS 10.2 is extremely important for Apple because it could solve the problems with sudden shutdowns of many iPhone models.

The release of iOS 10.2 it is extremely important for the Apple company, those from Cupertino relying on this version of the operating system to solve the problems of the iPhone 6S. Today, Apple officially announced that it will release iOS 10.2 next week to more effectively diagnose iPhone 6S battery problems.

Those from Cupertino have officially recognized the fact that there are more iPhone 6S terminals that have battery problems than initially thought. They explained that it is not in all cases a defect of the battery, but sometimes the iOS operating system randomly closes the terminals to protect the components in them from destruction.

With iOS 10.2 Apple will implement a more efficient system for diagnosing all these random iPhone 6S shutdowns. The data collected through this diagnostic system will be used to modify the situations in which the iPhone 6S shuts down by itself to protect the internal components, here being the situations of cold, or overheating, mainly.

The release of iOS 10.2 is extremely important for Apple

The vast majority of Apple customers who visit an Apple Store during this period do so to change their iPhone 6S batteries for free. In this situation, the Apple company understood that it has an extremely big problem in front of it and is trying to solve the problems as quickly as possible in order not to risk the expansion of a scandal that can cost it sales.

It is difficult to say from now on whether Apple will be able to solve a software problem that causes its iPhone 6S terminals to shut down suddenly, but the Americans are trying. If they are right and everything is only related to the protection system of the iPhone 6S, then the solution should be very simple and could be distributed through a software update.

Even if Apple will not solve all users' problems, there is a chance that through the updates made for iOS 10.2, they will solve the problems with the random shutdowns of the iPhone 6/6 Plus, or iPhone 6S Plus.



  1. Oarecum pe subiect…
    Update-urile pe Mac pot duce la aceleași “complicații” ca pe iPhone, adică un model mai vechi se va mișca mai greu?
    …azi mi-a sosit iMac-ul.
    Thank you

  2. Ce rezolvar prin soft daca bateria mea mai are 70% din capacitate intr-un an? Cand temperatura ambientala este de 0-5 grade , capacitatea bateriei scade la 50%. Este logic deoarece reactia interna a bateria numai functioneaza cum trebuie(este valabil pt. Toti acumulatorii). Problema este dupa cum am spus in multe posturi (si aici mereu m contrazis zaone) ca bateria este de proasta calitate. Asta s adeverit acum cand toata lumea se vaita.
    Iese apple in fata si se bate cu pumnul in piept ca nou ios o sa rezolve sau sa diagnosticheze de ce cartofii prajiti nu sunt copti.

  3. Probabil eu sunt mai norocos dar pana acum nu am avut probleme cu al meu 6s. L-am achizitionat la sfarsitul anului trecut si de atunci a fost incarcat doar cu incarcatorul de la ipad. Nu mi s-a stins niciodata. Nici macar cand aveam 3-5-20-30%. Am tras de el sa consum tot si s-a stins dupa un lung 1% :). Nu am verificat cat mai am din capacitatea bateriei dar din moment ce la modul meu de utilizare inainte de culcare e inca aprins consider ca e ok. Precizez ca ramane la incarcat toata noaptea.

  4. Am cumparat iphone 6s nou acum o luna . Bateria ma tine cam 10 ore. Cred k e ultimul iphone cumparat. Nu stiu de la ce e, ori ultimul soft ori sunt proaste bateriile.