The cheapest iPad clone

From Shenzen China comes the newest and cheapest clone for Apple's famous iPad tablet, in the image above you have a tablet with a 7 inch screen, running Android OS 1.7 on a 9 Mhz ARM400 processor, 128MB Ram , a 2GB flash card, 800x600 resolution and a built-in web camera.

Maybe for surfing the Internet this tablet would be quite ok, but if it comes to running an application or watching a video, then things change, I doubt that that 400Mhz processor and the 128MB Ram are enough to deal with such " requirements". For now, these images show a prototype of the tablet, the final products will be available in June and the company is already accepting pre-orders, the selling price being $73, that is, approximately €60.

What do you think, is it worth the money or not?


  1. copia nu are valoare……..dar sa zicem ca daca ar avea un procesor destul de mare sau macar de 800 sa zicem k ar merita banii mai ales k ruleaza android uj sistem de operare destul de bun….sa vedem vaqrianta finala dar m as risca sa dau banii sa vad ce e de ea…..