SemiRestore is almost ready to allow you to restore to iOS 7 without losing the jailbreak

  SemiRestore is a program that we have already talked about several times, it was developed to allow us to re-restore to iOS 7 without losing jailbreakperformed on our terminals. The program has been in the development process for quite a long time, but it is rapidly approaching completion, the developer published the above images this morning. Various people have already tested the program and confirm that it works according to the developer's specifications, so now we just have to have it available.

  SemiRestore is designed to work only on terminals that have jailbreak already performed for iOS 7 and allows a re-restore ONLY to the iOS version installed in its terminals. In practice, the program does not perform an actual restore, but only deletes all the files that are not needed, leaving only those that would normally be available after a restore. It is not yet known exactly when it will be launched SemiRestore, but as soon as it is available I will let you know.