Apple ogłasza wybór redakcji w tym tygodniu

  Fiind sfarsit de saptamana, compania Apple si-a actualizat promotiile din App Store, iar printre ele se numara si aplicatiile listate in sectiunea Wybór redaktora. Pentru aceasta saptamana, compania Apple a ales sa prezinte jocul Call of Duty®: Strike Zespół, un titlu dezvoltat special pentru platforma iOS, fiind disponibil in exclusivitate in cadrul ei. Avand in vedere ca v-am vorbit deja despre noul titlu Activision in acest articol, ma rezum acum sa va spun ca el a avut parte de un succes moderat in App Store, cel mai probabil din cauza pretului destul de mare pentru un titlu dedicat terminalelor mobile.

Call of Duty®: Strike Team delivers an all-new, first-person and third-person Call of Duty® experience built from the ground up for mobile and tablet devices. Fully customize your squad’s loadouts and abilities before leading them into combat in diverse gameplay environments. Call of Duty®: Strike Team features the revolutionary ability to dynamically switch from run-and-gun first-person view to reconnaissance and coordinated squad attacks in third-person view. 

The year is 2020. Tensions run high amongst the world’s superpowers. In a surprise attack, the U.S. finds themselves in a war with an unknown enemy. Your mission is to lead a Joint Special Operations Team in a global effort to hunt down those responsible.

Cena początkowa:
Call of Duty®: Strike Zespół



Deweloper: Activision Public…
Kategoria: Gry

Opis: *** NOTE: NOT compatible with iPhone 4, iPod Touch 4th Generation, iPhone 3GS***

Call of Duty: Strike Team delivers an all-new, first-person and third-person Call of Duty experience built from the ground up for mobile and tablet devices. Fully customize…

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