Pooland – nowy motyw dla iOS 9

Pooland to temat rozpoczęty dziś rano w Cydia pentru iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch-urile care ruleaza iOS 9, ea fiind gandita pentru a ne oferi o experienta diferita de utilizare a terminalelor dupa instalare, imaginea de mai jos fiind cat se poate de sugestiva.

Według twórcy motywu Pooland, aceasta modifica iconitele aplicatiilor native si terte ale sistemului de operare, insa ofera inclusiv o serie de wallpaper-uri speciale, dar din pacate nu avem parte si de modificari pentru interfata vreunei aplicatii native.

Pooland is an amazing theme with two modes: Transparent and Dark both of them will be see amazing with any wallpaper. Pooland have two beautiful wallpapers (DeadPool special edition). If you purchase Pooland can you follow me on twitter @tykology for news also can I´ll do 5 icon request for purchase users.

Pooland jest dostępny do pobrania z repozytorium ZodTTD i MacCiti podążając za tym linkiem.