200.000 XNUMX applikationer tillgängliga för iPad

  Astazi pe scena conferintei Apple Tim Cook a anuntat oficial ca peste 200.000 de aplicatii pentru iPad sunt disponibile in App Store. Cifra reprezinta aproape jumatate din numarul total de aplicatii disponibile pentru iDevice-uri si cu ajutorul lor tableta companiei americane a devenit din ce in ce mai populara. Tim Cook sustine ca aplicatiile pentru iOS sunt mult mai bine construite si mult mai bine gandite decat aplicatiile pentru Android si in mare parte are dreptate.

Tim’s rattling off categories that the iPad is users’ favorite in: book reading, web browsing, gaming. “For so many activities they responded: iPad. Part of the reason is the incredible bundled apps with iPad, and the over 200k apps that have been custom built to take advantage of the big, beautiful multitouch screen.”

 “Look at Yelp. Lots of white space. Tiny text, hard to read. Compare that to the iPad. This is a reason momentum on the iPad that continues to build.”Showing a Twitter app running on a Samsung tablet on Android. “It kind of looks like a blown-up smartphone app — because that’s exactly what it is. Compare that to Twitter on iPad…”