iMessage kan ha problem på grund av Messages Beta-appen, så här kan du fixa det

  iMessage este un serviciu de mesagerie text conceput de catre Apple pentru iDevice-urile noastre, iar cu ajutorul sau putem interactiona cu oricare dintre prietenii nostri posesori de iDevice-uri sau Mac-uri. Serviciul functioneaza in baza unei conexiuni de internet si a serverelor Apple, iar aceasta interdependenta pare sa fi cauzat probleme pentru unii. Mai exact, cei de la New York Times spun ca au avut intarzieri in livrarea mesajelor si totul ar putea avea legatura cu aplicatia Messages Beta pentru Mac OS X.

A few weeks ago, I was using Apple’s iMessage messaging service on the iPhone, making plans to see a movie with a group of friends. Suddenly they stopped replying, and about an hour later I saw them check in at the movie theater on Foursquare. A little hurt, I sent them a follow-up message: “You guys went without me? Jerks!” The following morning my iPhone exploded with about a dozen messages from my friends discussing when and where they were meeting to see the movie.

  Se pare ca numarul mare de mesaje care trec prin serverele Apple, plus o problema care are legatura cu aplicatia Messages pentru Mac ar putea genera o intarziere in livrarea mesajelor voastre. Problema a fost intalnita de multa lume, unii s-au plans pe Apples diskussionsforum, iar rezolvarea vine prin dezinstalarea aplicatiei Messages Beta de pe Mac OS X. Daca ati intampinat problema, atunci stergeti aplicatia Messages Beta din Mac-ul vostru si totul ar trebui sa revina la normal.

After it happened to me a fourth time, I complained about it on Twitter, and one of my followers came forward with a possible fix: uninstall Messages Beta, an early version of iMessage for the Mac that Apple released in February. Some of my friends and I have done just that and haven’t experienced the problem since. Mr. Fleishman said he also uninstalled Messages Beta on his Mac because of unreliability.