Motorola vill att Apple ska betala mellan $9 och $10 för varje iPhone som använder dess teknologi

  In SUA urmeaza sa inceapa un proces intre Apple si Motorola, iar un document tinut secret de catre instanta releva faptul ca Motorola cere de la Apple intre 9 si 10$ pentru licentierea tehnologiilor sale catre fiecare iPhone al companiei. Motorola face un calcul simplu: spune ca diferenta in pret dintre un iPod Touch si un iPhone decodat este de 400 – 450$, la acest pret aplica o rata de licentiere de 2.25% si ajunge la un cost de pana in 10$ pentru licentierea tehnologiilor sale catre orice iPhone.

The most interesting revelation is that Motorola apparently took in its sealed trial brief a new position on what should be the FRAND royalty rate for its celullar standard-essential patents (SEPs). According to Apple, “Motorola’s first new theory is that 2.25% should be applied to the difference in price between an iPod Touch and the unsubsidized iPhone (without a carrier contract)”. The filing says that this would mean a royalty base between $400 and $450. As a result, Google’s Motorola Mobility would charge Apple between $9 and $10.13 per iPhone for its wireless SEPs.

  Motorola spune ca diferenta de pret dintre iPhone si iPod Touch este in principal data de posibilitatea de a folosi serviciile de telecomunicatii, iar pretul de licentiere ar trebui sa aiba la baza acea diferenta. Ei spun ca atat castiga Apple din utilizarea acestor tehnologii, insa realitatea este ca diferentele dintre un iPhone si un iPod Touch nu se rezuma doar la atat, iar Apple foloseste multe alte tehnologii pe langa cele ale Motorola. De la acest punct de vedere se nasc diverse controverse pe care avocatii le vor sustine in instanta, insa este interesant modul in care gandeste Motorola, dar un judecator va gandi probabil ceva mai corect si diferit.

Apple rejects the notion that it “receives $400 to $450 in value from cellular functionality” and claims it’s inconsistent with what one of Motorola’s own experts said in a related case. Google’s (Motorola’s) “iPhone minus iPod” theory is clearly an attempt to create the appearance of compliance with the Entire Market Value Rule (EMVR), a patent damages theory according to which a patent holder is entitled to a reasonable royalty only with respect to the smallest saleable unit the relevant patents read on (unless the patentee can prove that the related functionality is the primary basis for customer demand).