TouchSports Tennis 2012 – ett intressant tennisspel som är tillgängligt gratis i App Store

 TouchSports Tennis 2012 är ett spel tillgängligt för en tid in app Store, el fiind dedicat pasionatilor tenis-ului. Titlul are un motor grafic destul de bine pus la punct, are un sistem de control bine stabilit si a inregistrat un numar de descarcari destul de mare in app Storeav dem från Apple. Jocul va ofera posibilitatea de a controla versiunile virtuale ale celor mai buni jucatori de tenis de pe glob, va da posibilitatea de a concura in turneele profesioniste de tenis si a de a deveni unul dintre cei mai buni jucatori de tenis din interiorul ecosistemului jocului.

Do like tennis? We have an App for that! Enjoy the best Pro Tennis Game for iOS. Now in our 3rd year, we’ve upped the action bringing a host of new features, refined game play and tennis action. For beginners, casual players and Pro Tennis Game Enthusiasts alike, TouchSports Tennis 2012 delivers the definitive iOS Tennis Game Experience. Tired of Tennis games with difficult ontrols that just don’t work? Tennis 2012’s Natural Motion controls allow players to effortlessly move on the court and play like a pro. Dragging one finger on the screen moves the tennis player. Swiping with 2 fingers swings the racket with ultimate precision and controls. Its that easy! Place a drop shot just over the net, out of your opponents reach, lob the ball over your opponent to back court, or smash a top spin cross court. A control system designed for pro players and beginners alike!

  TouchSports Tennis 2012 este disponibil gratuit in App Store pentru o perioada limitata de timp si daca inca nu l-ati descarcat, va recomand sa o faceti.

Ursprungligt pris:
TouchSports Tennis 2012



Utvecklare: Thomas Fessler
Kategori: Spel

Beskrivning: ** Nytt för 2012 års professionella tennissäsong ** Gilla tennis Vi har en app för det! Njut av det bästa Pro Tennis Game för iOS. Nu på vårt tredje år har vi höjt aktiviteten med en mängd nya funktioner,...

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