Apple incepe sa testeze procesoare A6 pentru iPad 3 insa fara Samsung

      Acum cateva saptamani v-am spus ca Apple intentioneaza sa renunte la Samsung in ceea ce priveste productia chip-ului A6 pentru iPad 3 si iPhone 6 iar astazi aflam ca Apple a inceput deja sa testeze noul chip impreuna cu, compania TSMC, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company. TMSC este cel mai mare producator de semiconductoare iar noul chip A6 al celor de la Apple va fi construit utilizand un proces de 28 de nanometri, proces de productie mai eficient care va ajuta la dezvoltarea unor procesoare mai mici care emana mai putina caldura si permit activarea mai multor nuclee.

Taipei, Aug. 12, 2011 (CENS)–Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (TSMC), the world’s largest semiconductor foundry by market shares now, has allegedly started trial production of the A6 processor in cooperation with Apple Inc., with the production design to be taped out in the first quarter of next year and scheduled to be publicly unveiled in the second quarter at the earliest, according to industry sources.

Accordingly, TSMC has applied its newest 28-nanometer process and 3D stacking technologies to produce the next-generation processor A6, which is based on the ARM architecture and will undergo TSMC’s cutting-edge silicon interposer and bump on trace (BOT) methodologies. Industry insiders said that the manufacturing will help to pump considerable momentum into TSMC’s business growth starting next year, though the company has yet to comment on the deal for the moment.

      Trecerea de la Samsung la TSMC era asteptata de aproape toata lumea avand in vedere ca relatiile dintre Samsung si Apple se racesc, cu ficare proces intentat de compania din Cupertino. Desigur ca Samsung va furniza in continuare componente pentru iPhone 4 si iPad 2 insa in ceea ce priveste viitoarele iDevice-uri, Apple ar putea renunta la serviciile celor de la Samsung in ceea ce priveste productia procesoarelor. Pentru utilizatorul de rand schimbarea nu va avea un efect simtitor avand in vedere ca iDevice-urile vor fi cosntruite in baza acelorasi standarde ca si pana acum.

       Noile procesoare A6 ale celor de la Apple ar trebui lansate in Q2 2012, adica perioada aprilie – iulie insa este posibil sa avem iPad 3 chiar la jumatatea lunii martie.