Android-ul are aceleasi probleme precum iOS-ul cand vine vorba de securitatea aplicatiilor

Android permisiuni

  Acum doua zile v-am spus ca aplicatiile pentru iOS sunt afectate de un bug de securitate care permite dezvoltatorilor sa copieze continutul librariei foto/video fara ca noi sa stim. Cei de la New York Times au facut demonstratia si pentru a ne dovedi ca sunt impartiali au facut un test si pentru sistemul de operare Android OS iar rezultatul a fost identic. La Android OS problema se manifesta exact la fel si toate aplicatiile care au acces la internet pot copia intregul continut al librariei foto/video fara ca utilizatorul sa fie avertizat in vreun fel.

We can confirm that there is no special permission required for an app to read pictures. This is based on Lookout’s findings on all devices we’ve tested. Photos if anything are the most personal things. I’m really kind of shocked about this. Users typically presume some care is given when designing these platforms such that their personal data is handled in a consistent way. However, this seems to repeatedly be a false assumption.

  Google a explicat ca aceasta “scapare” a lor are legatura cu modul in care a fost gandit Android OS deoarece in primele versiuni ale sistemului de operare pozele erau salvate pe carduri de memorie si accesarea lor era dificila. Indiferent ce explicatii ar da Google sau Apple, este clar ca utilizatorii nu sunt indeajuns de bine protejati si pentru anumite persoane aceste buguri ar putea fi o mare mare problema. Desigur ca atat Google cat si Apple isi vor actualiza sistemele de operare pentru a rezolva problemele insa ramane de vazut cand le vor rezolva si pe celelalte.

We originally designed the Android photos file system similar to those of other computing platforms like Windows and Mac OS. At the time, images were stored on a SD card, making it easy for someone to remove the SD card from a phone and put it in a computer to view or transfer those images. As phones and tablets have evolved to rely more on built-in, nonremovable memory, we’re taking another look at this and considering adding a permission for apps to access images. We’ve always had policies in place to remove any apps on Android Market that improperly access your data.