Mark Zuckerberg a primit un iPhone 5 gratuit de la Tim Cook, spune ca versiunea mobila a Facebook este mai populara decat aplicatiile

  Mark Zuckerberg, celebrul CEO al companiei ce detine reteaua de socializare Facebook, a declarat acum cateva zile, in cadrul unui interviu pentru The Today Show, ca Tim Cook i-a oferit gratuit un terminal iPhone 5 dupa lansarea produsului. Din moment ce intre companiile lor exista o colaborare atat de stransa, oferirea acestui cadou pare cat se poate de normala, iar Tim Cook probabil a facut cateva cadouri si altor persoane. Revenind la subiect, Zuckerberg a afirmat ca mai multe persoane utilizeaza versiunea mobila a Facebook in locul aplicatiilor pentru iOS si Android OS, iar acest lucru este normal avand in vedere ca pana acum aproximativ o luna aplicatia Facebook era cea mai proasta din intregul App Store.

“It’s a wonderful device,” the CEO said, after admitting that Cook sent him the new iPhone model, gratis. iPhone is a great platform. There are more people who use Facebook on Android — because Android is just — more people use it, at this point. And the thing that I think a lot of people don’t think about is that there are actually more people in the world using Facebook on mobile Web, right, so not using the apps on iOS or Android, but actually just going to a browser on a phone. There are more people doing that than the iPhone and all of Android phones combined, right? So it’s actually a pretty diverse ecosystem.

  La final Zuckerberg admite ca a fost influentat de stilul vestimentar al lui Steve Jobs si ca acasa are un singur sertar cu aceleasi haine pe care le poarta incontinuu. El si-a achizitionat cateva zeci de modele ale acelorasi haine, le foloseste constant, si-a facut propriul stil vestimentar usor de recunoscut si asa isi va asigura un loc in amintirea multora.

The Facebook CEO says that he doesn’t really have much in his closet — it’s mainly used by his wife. “I have one drawer,” Zuckerberg confirms. “Like men everywhere. Like men everywhere.” “I mean, I wear the same thing every day, right? I mean, it’s literally, if you could see my closet,” Zuckerberg starts to explain, as Lauer asks if he owns 12 of the same gray t-shirt. “Maybe about 20,” Zuckerberg admits.