Google recunoaste existenta unei probleme in Google Chrome, sustine ca va rezolva problema

  Google si-a actualizat aseara browserul Google Chrome pentru iOS, iar posesorii de iDevice-uri jailbroken au realizat rapid ca aplicatia se inchide la cateva secunde dupa deschidere. V-am spus astazi cum puteti rezolva problema daca sunteti rapizi, iar cei de la Google au confirmat faptul ca sistemul de partajare a informatiilor despre navigare este sursa problemei, insa ei sustin ca doar terminalele jailbroken sunt afectate, restul neavand probleme.

We have found a bug that affects jailbroken devices with crash reporting and metrics *disabled*. The fix will be in our next release (we can’t say when that will be, please don’t ask).

One workaround is to enable crash reporting. Open “Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Local State” and change the “reporting_enabled” flag to “true”. That will enable reporting without needing to reinstall the app. Mind you, we haven’t tested this ourselves. 🙂 If you do not wish to do this, or are not comfortable doing this, you’ll need to wait for the next release. The other workaround is to uninstall and re-install and enable crash reporting, but you might lose data if you don’t use sync.

For those who are hitting crashes with 3rd-party add-ons, this workaround is not sufficient and you will need to contact the 3rd-party developer directly and have them update their add-on to work with Chrome M25.

  In afara fix-ului recomandat de catre mine, exista un altul care implica o reinstalare a aplicatiei, insa nu toata lumea si-a rezolvat problema asa, desi cei de la Google o recomanda utilizatorilor. O noua versiune a Google Chrome  pentru iOS va fi lansata in curand, cei de la Google nu stiu exact cand, deci s-ar putea sa aveti ceva de asteptat.