Toate aplicatiile Rovio au fost descarcate de peste 1.7 miliarde de ori, Angry Birds Toons va fi disponibil in weekend


  Saptamana trecuta v-am spus ca Angry Birds Toons, un nou desen animat conceput de catre Rovio, va fi lansat pe data de 17 martie, iar astazi compania finlandeza a oferit cateva detalii suplimentare in legatura cu el. Aproape toate aplicatiile platite Angry Birds au fost actualizate recent, iar cele 52 de viitoare episoade ale desenului animat vor fi accesibile direct prin aplicatii, prin intermediul unui buton special. Seria va debuta duminica, iar in fiecare weekend va fi lansat cate un episod nou pentru utilizatori.

Rovio Entertainment is bringing its weekly Angry Birds Toons animated series to fans around the world, setting an industry first in launching a video distribution channel across all of its Angry Birds game titles on smartphones and tablets. On the weekend of March 16-17th, Angry Birds fans can watch the latest adventures of the birds and pigs through a dedicated channel available in Rovio games, as well as on select video-on-demand channel providers, Smart TVs and connected devices. Additionally, the Angry Birds Toons series will also air on select TV networks around the world.

  Separat de Angry Birds Toons va spun ca toate aplicatiile Rovio au fost descarcate de peste 1.7 miliarde de ori pe toate platformele pe care sunt disponibile, cifra fiind impresionanta, avand in vedere ca titlurile nu au fost produse cu bugete impresionante.