Aplicatia gratuita a zilei – smackBOTS

screenshot1 Se pare ca acum inainte sarbatorilor developerii au devenit ceva mai darnici si s-au hotarat sa ofere aplicatii gratuite pentru o perioada limitata de timp, asa ca, de ce sa nu profitam si noi? In fiecare zi voi posta cate o aplicatie, sau 2 gratuite care se gasesc in AppStore Romania sau US.


Este aplicatia zilei de 06 Decembrie, poate fi downloadata gratuit din Ro Store aici si din US Store aici. Joculetul este un fighting simulator, ceva in genul Mortal Kombat/StreetFighter doar ca e cu roboti. Producatorul spune ca jocul beneficiaza de o grafica excelenta, e plin de actiuni si miscari de lupta din genul celor din Streetfighter. Joculetul are 6 nivele, in fiecare nivel va veti lupta cu roboti diferiti, dupa fiecare runda primiti bani cu care va puteti face upgrade-uri robotelului.

Iata feature-urile joculetului :

– Single player mode with 6 levels; battle against computer with a single player story line.
– Multiplayer over WIFI. Now you can battle other players over the internet. Win the fight and get a boost to your defense budget.
– Customize your robot with different color and head attachment options.
– Use tilt control to move your smackBOTS!
– Buy and unlock secret combo moves.
– Upgrade your attach speed by buying oil lubrications.
– When the battle gets tough, hit the berserk button and your quick smashing robot arms will crash your opponent. Or protect yourself from your opponent’s berserk moves.
– Unlock additional robot head and color options when your defense budget gets a boost from winning fights.
– Two levels of difficulty. If you think you’ve seen it all, try “I’VE GOT CRAZY THUMB SPEED!” and take up the challenge.

Si un mic gameplay trailer :