Video: iPad 2 – 512MB RAM, ecran mai subtire, iFixit teardown


Aseara cei de la iFixIt au reusit sa obtina mai multe tablete iPad 2 si desigur ca le-au dezasamblat pentru a vedea ce anume a inclus Apple in ele. In primul rand, se confirma faptul ca iPad 2 are 512MB RAM, vorbim despre module de memorie produse de Samsung pe care Apple a ales sa le implementeze in tableta. In al doilea rand ecranul tabletei este mult mai subtire si mai usor decat cel al iPad iar asta ar putea fi o problema pe termen lung deoarece un geam mai subtire este mult mai fragil. Bateria interna are 3.8 V si 25 W/ora, cu doar 0.2W/ora mai mare decat bateria din tableta iPad, deci vorbim in esenta despre aceeasi capacitate de stocare a energiei. Procesorul dual-core de 1Ghz este de asemenea prezent imprecuna cu un nou chip grafic pe care deocamdata nimeni nu l-a putut identifica.

Iata intreaga lista de componente din iPad 2 si notele celor de la iFixIt :

    • The thickness of these components — especially that of the glass — could drastically reduce the durability of the device, especially the glass’ resistance to shattering. We’ll see in due time if the percentage of folks with broken iPad 2 front glass is dramatically different than that of the original iPad.
    • Lifting off the LCD exposes the iPad 2’s battery. We found a 3.8V, 25 watt-hour unit. That’s just a hair more than the original iPad’s 24.8 watt-hours, so any improved battery performance should be attributed to software and other hardware improvements.
    • We confirmed via software that the iPad 2 indeed has 512 MB of RAM.
    • The markings on the 1 GHz Apple A5 dual-core processor appear to be Samsung’s, but Chipworks will investigate in the forthcoming days to find out for sure.
    • Other components that power the iPad 2:
      • Toshiba TH58NVG7D2FLA89 16GB NAND Flash
      • Broadcom BCM5973KFBGH Microcontroller
      • Broadcom BCM5974 CKFBGH capacitative touchscreen controller
      • Texas Instruments CD3240B0 11AZ4JT touchscreen line driver
      • Broadcom BCM43291HKUBC Wi-Fi/Bluetooth/FM tuner combo chip
      • S6T2MLC N33C50V Power Management IC
      • ST Micro AGD8 2103 gyroscope
      • ST Micro LIS331DLH accelerometer
    • There’s also an Apple-branded 338S0940 A0BZ1101 SGP chip. This looks like the Cirrus audio codec Chipworks found in the Verizon iPhone, but they’ll have to get it off the board to make sure!

      iPad 2 are aceleasi componente care au fost mentionate pana acum in majoritatea zvonurilor, dupa cum puteti vedea din teardown-ul de mai sus. Chiar si cu 512 MB RAM, tableta este foarte foarte rapida si veti vedea in curand teste facute intre iPad 2 si Motorola Xoom, Samsung Galaxy Tab sau altele si abia atunci veti observa care este adevarata diferenta de performanta dintre ele.