Video: Order & Chaos disponibil in AppStore


MMORPG-ul Order & Chaos, presupusa copie a World of Warcraft pentru iDevice-uri, a fost lansata astazi in AppStore de catre Gameloft. Compania a lucrat cateva luni bune la dezvoltarea jocului si iata ca astazi fanii acestui gen de jocuri au in sfarsit ocazia de a cumpara jocul. Gameloft a decis sa ofere versiunea completa a jocului din prima fara a mai lansa versiuni lite cum a facut cu 2 Starfront: Collision sau Sacred Odyssey Rise of Ayden. Jocul costa 5.49€, un pret maricel insa din trailer jocul pare a fi mai mult decat interesant si parerea mea este ca isi merita banii.

Avand in vedere ca vorbim despre un joc care functioneaza pe baza unei conexiuni la internet si a unor servere, Gameloft taxeaza accesul in universul din Order & Chaos. Pentru a juca online trebuie sa platiti 0.79€ lunar, 1.59€ pentru 3 luni si 2.39€ pentru 6 luni. Daca achizitionati jocul aveti automat platite 3 luni de zile deci va puteti bucura in liniste de joc. Aplicatia este universala si este compatibila cu orice dispozitiv pe care poate fi instalat iOS 4.3.

Iata ce functii are Order & Chaos :

WHO YOU WILL BE? Use the advanced character creation system to customize your hero:

  • 4 races available: Elves and Humans fight for Order, Orcs and Undead for Chaos.
  • Choose your gender, appearance, class and talent. With over 1000 skills and 2000 pieces of equipment to discover, your adventure will not be over soon.
  • Create up to 4 different characters to play.


  • Make friends or enemies, trade, challenge, communicate and more: a wide range of interactions makes each player a living part of this universe.
  • Join a party or guild to become stronger and coordinate with your teammates, or you can choose to adventure solo, interacting with other players peacefully or otherwise…


  • Travel through the most majestic settings – from dark forests to deserts, jungles, mountains and more – on foot or by magical means.
  • Talk and interact with hundreds of characters to find over 500 quests to perform.

Pretul initial:
Order & Chaos© Online


Developer: Gameloft S.A.
Categoria: Games

Descriere: Finally a true real-time, full-3D MMORPG comes to the App Store: Explore a vast heroic fantasy world and join thousands of players in this massively multiplayer online experience that pushes the boundaries of epic!


Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 589.0 Mb