TomTom furnizeaza politiei date despre locurile unde utilizatorii conduceau cu viteza

iOS logheaza locatiile utiliatorilor de iDevices. Cui ii pasa, nu? Am vazut ca multi dintre voi s-au aratat foarte nepasatori fata de sistemul de logare a locatiilor folosit de Apple in iOS spunand ca nu va afecteaza, nu va pasa etc. Ei bine, stati sa vedeti voi la ce foloseste TomTom datele adunate de iOS. Compania a publicat astazi un comunicat de presa in care recunoaste ca foloseste datele privind locatiile pentru a ajuta utilizatorii sa evite zone aglomerate din trafic. Pe langa asta compania furniza politiei in mod anonim informatii privind locatiile unde utilizatorii conduceau cu viteza excesiva in ideea de a ajuta politia sa amendeze acest gen de persoane.

Da, cei de la TomTom au recunoscut oficial ca au furnizat politiei informatii privind locurile unde utilizatorii conduc cu viteza excesiva pentru a ajuta autoritatile sa monteze radere cu camere in locatii unde se conduce fara a respecta legea. Ce parere aveti, sunteti bucurosi ca aplicatia asta spune politiei unde apasati voi pedala pana la podea ? Ati fi multumiti daca ati ramane fara carnet din cauza aplicatiei TomTom? E la fel de neinteresanta logarea locatiilor voastre si transmiterea datelor catre politie?

Partea buna e ca versiunea TomTom pentru iOS are harti foarte proaste pentru Romania si putini o folosesc, dar in strainatate situatia este cu totul alta.

UPDATE: Iata si o declaratie a CEO-ului TomTom.


Dear TomTom customer,

Customers come first at TomTom.

When you use one of our products we ask for your permission to collect travel time information on
an anonymous basis. The vast majority of you do indeed grant us that permission. When you connect
your TomTom to a computer we aggregate this information and use it for a variety of applications,
most importantly to create high quality traffic information and to route you around traffic jams.

We also make this information available to local governments and authorities. It helps them to
better understand where congestion takes place, where to build new roads and how to make
roads safer.

We are actively promoting the use of this information because we believe we can help make roads
safer and less congested.

We are now aware that the police have used traffic information that you have helped to create to
place speed cameras at dangerous locations where the average speed is higher than the legally
allowed speed limit. We are aware a lot of our customers do not like the idea and we will look at
if we should allow this type of usage.

This is what we really do with the data:

  • We ask for your permission to collect historical data. You can opt in or opt out and can disable
    the data collection function at any time.
  • If you are using a LIVE device, you receive traffic information in real time and you automatically
    contribute to generating traffic information.
  • We make all traffic data anonymous. We can never trace it back to you or your device.
  • We turn anonymous data into traffic information to give you the fastest route available and route
    you through traffic jams in real time.
  • We are working with road authorities around the world to use anonymous traffic information to help
    make roads flow more efficiently and safer.
  • Our goal is to create a driver community capable of reducing traffic congestion for everyone.
