Widgekit ne permite sa facem widget-uri pentru iOS

Va spuneam acum cateva saptamani de widge, un nou sistem de widget-uri facut de dezvoltatorul MobilleNotifier. Avand in vedere ca proiectul a inceput de la omul a carui creatie ar putea revolutiona modul in care folosim notificarile din iOS, widge se anunta a fi destul de interesant. Ieri dezvoltatorul a anuntat lansarea primului kit care permite dezvoltatorilor sa faca widget-uri pentru iOS folosind noul sistem pus la punct de Peter Hajas. Widge este conceput intr-o asa maniera incat sa inlocuiasca Spotlight-ul din iOS cu o pagina unde vom putea afisa anumite widget-uri special facute de dezvoltatori.

Deocamsata totul ramane la atitudinea dezvoltatorilor de aplicatii care ar trebui sa isi puna talentul  incercare si sa dezvolte noile widget-uri pentru posesorii de iDevices. Eu unul sper sa vedem ceva disponibil cat mai curand avand in vedere ca MobileNotifier are deja parte de un succes enorm de mare in randul comunitatii iDevice-urilor. Daca sunteti interesat sa dezvoltati ceva pentru widge atunci puteti descarca widgekit de aici.

What is Widge?

Widge is an open source widgeting system for iOS that I’m building along with jailbreak superstar Dustin Howett. Widgets are single-purpose applications, much like the OS X Dashboard Widgets, Windows Vista/7 Gadgets and KDE Plasmoids. Widge has been built from the ground up to not affect system performance to a significant extent. This was a fundamental design decision which we believe makes Widge very competitive. The source is available at the Widge GitHub page. It’s GPLv3 licensed.

How does it work for the user?

On iOS, Apple has defined visual language for the homescreen that makes sense. Swipe to the right to see all your other pages, and the left to access Spotlight. Like many other iOS users, I don’t use Spotlight very frequently. Wouldn’t it be great if we could move Spotlight over a page to the left, and insert Widge in its place? That’s exactly how Widge works – you have a Dashboard-like page on Springboard to access your widgets. If you have more widgets than the page allows, they scroll.