WiFi2Me testeaza securitatea retelei tale WiFi, afla parole pentru altele

     WiFi2Me este un tweak lansat recent in Cydia care promite sa testeze nivelul de securitate al retelelor WiFi ale utilizatorilor. Tweak-ul este construit sub forma unei aplicatii care afiseaza informatii despre retelele din preajma noastra insa care scaneaza in acelasi timp router-ul care sustine respectiva retea pentru a vedea cat de vulnerabil este in fata unui atac. Aplicatia poate “ghici” parolele anumitor modele de routere insa conditia este ca parola respectiva sa fie cea setata din fabrica si sa nu fi fost schimbata de catre utilizator.

      Daca aplicatia detecteaza o retea sigura nu va permite utilizatorului sa inceapa un atac brute force pentru a incerca sa sparga parola insa daca reteaua este vulnerabila atunci puteti folosi acest tip de atac dar sansele ca parola sa fie sparta sunt foarte mici. WiFi2Me este o metoda buna de a vedea daca reteaua voastra poate fi sparta de altii sau nu insa este o metoda buna de a “ghici” parolele hotspot-urilor din jurul vostru. WiFi2Me este disponibila gratuit in Cydia in repo-ul ModMyi.

WiFi2Me is an application which you can check the security of your wireless network in seconds. By using public algorithms discovered by third parties can try to calculate the default password for different models of routers. This application only works if the default password that comes in these breaks has not been changed. On several occasions the application detects the password in seconds, but in others it is several lists of passwords to brute force try to do so in this way will take more time trying to get the password. Note that it is much faster than alternatives such as payment (iWep PRO), which makes it stand out on this. The application was created so that you can test the safety of their breaks, the creator is not responsible for any damage that may cause this application. Features: ● Scan networks that are within reach. ● Attempt to recover the password is the default for certain models break. ● Connect to the network when the password has been obtained. Supported networks: ● WLAN_XX (Spain only) ● WLAN_XXXX ● JAZZTEL_XXXX ● DLINK ● TECOM-XXXXXX-XXXX ● INFINITUMXXXX NOTE: I will add more models of routers in later versions. Usage: 1) Scan wifi networks. 2) If this is the arrow appear vulnerable in the cell, if not without an arrow appear vulnerable. 3) To tap into the wifi network to connect. 4) If the password has been found and there is only a possibility he will leave the option to connect or copy the password to the Pasteboard. 5) If more than one password can be given the possibility of brute force and try to connect your device using all the generated dictionary key. 6) To pause brute force, you simply shake the device and allow you to continue or stop the brute force attack.