Apple planuieste sa transforme iDevice-urile in scannere portabile

     In momentul de fata in App Store exista destule aplicatii care utilizeaza camerele iDevice-urilor noastre pentru a scana documente, poze, etc, insa Apple intentioneaza sa implementeze o asemenea functie direct in iOS. Folosind camera dispozitivelor si o aplicatie dedicata am putea scana direct din iOS documentele importante si le-am putea printa folosind functia AirPrint disponibila deja de cateva luni in sistemul de operare al celor de la Apple. Desigur ca aplicatia respectiva ar fi in stare sa redimensioneze documentul, sa separe textul de imagini, practic vorbim despre o aplicatie complexa care ne-ar permite sa eliminam necesitatea de a folosi un scanner atunci cand nu suntem acasa ori la birou.

The user opens the app and holds the iPhone over the document or object they want scanned. They then snap a picture of it. Apple’s on-board software then resizes the image to ‘letter’ or business card, A4 or whatever depending on original document. Resizing includes aligning edges that get skewed by a sigle scan point rather than traditional scanning methods. The user can then manually change the size of the document or the use (biz card?)

On board software then separates images blocks from text.

This is where it gets murky. At last word, Apple was trying to do OCR both on-device and using alternative cloud methods for recognizing text. Third party Optical Character Recognition (OCR) vs. in house solutions were also being tested.

The resulting file can then be saved as a PDF, .Pages, exported to contacts (in the case of business cards for example).

     Problema cu aceasta aplicatie sta in faptul ca nu este prima oara cand auzim despre ea si probabil nu va fi nici ultima. Apple are cu siguranta foarte multe proiecte in derulare si desi o aplicatie de acest gen ar fi foarte utila si extrem de interesanta, eu unul cred ca abia prin iOS 6 s-ar gandi Apple sa o implementeze pentru utilizatorii sai.